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Les hommages fusent depuis le tragique décès de Kobe Bryant et sa fille Gianna
Crédit Instagram Kobe Bryant

Ce dimanche, le monde du sport a été bouleversé par la perte d’une légende de basketball. Kobe Bryant, 41 ans, a péri dans un écrasement d’hélicoptère qui n’a fait aucun survivant parmi les neuf passagers au total. Comble du malheur, sa fille Gianna, qui n’avait que 13 ans, l’accompagnait dans son déplacement. C’est le site à potins TMZ qui a rapporté la triste nouvelle en premier.

Selon ce que rapporte le site, Kobe Bryant et sa fille se rendaient à la Mamba Sport Academy, un établissement fondé par l’athlète qui propose à des jeunes un service d’entraînement pour les amener à leur plein potentiel grâce aux supports de divers experts du milieu, dont Bryant lui-même.

Ce sont les conditions climatiques difficiles qui expliqueraient l’accident qui s’est produit un peu avant 10h. L’engin aurait pris feu et, lors de son écrasement, un feu de brousse aurait été déclenché, empêchant ainsi les secours d’agir rapidement. Une enquête a depuis été lancée par le Federal Aviation Agency et le National Transportation Safety Board.

Kobe Bryant laisse derrière lui son épouse Vanessa Laine Bryant, avec qui il entretenait une relation depuis plus de 20 ans, ainsi leurs trois autres filles, Natalia, 17 ans, Bianka, trois ans, et Capri, sept mois.

Depuis l’annonce tragique, de nombreuses personnalités publiques, de David Bekham à Shaquille O’Neal, ont envoyé toutes leurs pensées et condoléances à la famille et aux proches de Kobe et Gianna.

Les Grammys ont également rendu hommage à l’ancien joueur des Lakers en ouverture de cérémonie.


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It's taken me hours to work out what to write and still my words won't ever be enough to describe how I am feeling after the tragic loss of Kobe. This was one special athlete, husband, father and friend. Having to write these words is hard enough but also knowing we have lost an amazing human being and his beautiful and talented daughter Gianna is heartbreaking. The commitment Kobe showed to his sport was inspiring, to go through the pain and to finish a game off like only he could inspired me to try to be better. Sometimes I would only go to games just to watch that clock go down to the last 2:00 minutes knowing that we were about to witness something special. Kobe always talked about Vanessa and his beautiful girls and how proud he was of them. Kobe's passion was his family and basketball. He was determined to inspire the next generation of boys and girls to embrace the sport that he loved. His legacy will live on. My family's love and prayers go out to Vanessa and the girls, to Kobe's basketball family, and of course to the families of those who were tragically lost with him yesterday… 💛💜

Une publication partagée par David Beckham (@davidbeckham) le


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Sending love to the Bryant family with unbearable heartbreak from an LA native who hasn't had a more iconic hero

Une publication partagée par @ lauradern le


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Family. As I scrolled through Kobe's feed, and Alex and I talk memories and moments we remember about him … this is the truth that rings out the loudest … family is what matters most. We are all feeling sadness from this loss, but all I can think of is that it is a grain of sand compared to what Vanessa must going through right now. I am sending all of my love and praying for you, your children and the other families involved in today's tragic turn of events. The most unfair thing in life is to lose a child and husband on the same day. Vanessa, I pray for your strength and that God guides you each step of the way through this unimaginable heartbreak. To the other families who are suffering from this unthinkable tragedy, may God be with you all. Kobe you meant so much to so many and we will miss you forever. Thank you for your work ethic, your inspiration and your heart. #hero #legend #husband #father 😢🙏🏼💔

Une publication partagée par Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) le


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Just can't take this one. Sending up prayers to your beautiful family. This hurt is for a lifetime… @kobebryant you will be missed for eternity. REST IN POWER

Une publication partagée par Jamie Foxx (@iamjamiefoxx) le


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Missin You…

Une publication partagée par Usher (@usher) le


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Devastating. Love to all the families of the victims.

Une publication partagée par Adam Sandler (@adamsandler) le


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Fuccccccck. I'm. So. Sad. I'm devastated. Cryyyying. Too soon to loose such a legend. Sending so much love to vanessa and the kids ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ @lakers @kobebryant @vanessabryant

Une publication partagée par 🔮Vanessa Hudgens🔮 (@vanessahudgens) le


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Une publication partagée par Penélope Cruz (@penelopecruzoficial) le

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