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Kaley Cuoco est en deuil
Kaley Cuoco est en deuil.

Le chien… le meilleur ami de l’homme!

Pour l’actrice de The Big Bang Theory, 2015 s’est terminée sur une bien mauvaise note… Le soir du réveillon du Jour de l’an, la belle a perdu son compagnon de longue date, son chien Petey. Kaley Cuoco a partagé la nouvelle avec ses fans via sa page Instagram le 1er janvier, exprimant sa tristesse.

« Anyone who knows me, knows Petey. He was basically the first dog I ever had… I was gifted him on my sweet 16, by my bf at the time.. I was afraid I would get in trouble so I hid him in my bedroom for 3 days until my parents found out- they said I had to take care of him if I was to keep him , that he would be mine! I was so excited!! When I moved out of my parents house at 17, I had plans to take him with me but he had stolen my parents hearts and they wouldn’t let me! Here we are 15 years later. My folks gave him the greatest life and he taught us what it meant to love an adoption pup. I have since named my corporation after him (peteypie inc) and he has brought a lifetime of joy and laughs to our entire family. I know he will now enjoy doggie heaven where there will be an abundance of greenies just for him. This little guy, I will never ever forget… 🐶🙏🏽 »

Elle pourra compter sur les bras réconfortants de son amoureux pour passer à travers cette dure épreuve…

A lire aussi:

Kaley Cuoco est à nouveau en couple!

Crédit photo: Instagram

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