Xavier Dolan s’est rasé les cheveux.
Revenu cette semaine du Festival de Cannes où il a remporté le Grand prix pour son film Juste la fin du monde, Xavier Dolan mise actuellement sur un nouveau départ. Le réalisateur québécois a laissé savoir à plusieurs médias qu’il s’agissait, pour lui, de la fin d’un cycle. C’est peut être pourquoi il a décidé que ce serait aussi le début d’un nouveau cycle capillaire.
Xavier Dolan s’est rasé les cheveux et, vu qu’il ne fait jamais rien sans raison, il a accompagné la transformation d’un message étonnant sur Instagram qui explique pourquoi il devait « raser la haine ».
« Had to shave the hate off! Just wanna say thanks to the fans who have been there through this Cannes adventure. It was as fulfilling as grueling. Your support, your words helped me to walk through that passionate storm. I’m back home now, and I’m ready for Donovan!! I just thought I’d share a text that my former English teacher sent me. I don’t pretend I knew it before, but I do think it’s very fitting.
«At times in our pink innocence, we lie fallow, composting, waiting to grow. And other times we rush headlong like so many of our ancestors. But rush headlong or lie fallow, it doesn't matter. One day you'll round a corner, your path is shifted. In a blink, something is missing. It's stolen, misplaced, it's gone. Your heart, a memory, a limb, a promise, a person. An innocence is gone, and now your journey has changed. Your path, as though channeled through a spectrum, is refracted, and has left you pointed in a new direction. Some won't approve. Some will want the other you. And some will cry that you've left it all. But what has happened has happened, and cannot be undone. We pay for our laughter. We pay to weep. Knowledge is not cheap. To survive we must return to our senses, touch, taste, smell, sight, sound. We must let our spirit guide us, our spirit that lives in breath. With each breath we inhale, we exhale. We inspire, we expire. Every breath has a possibility of a laugh, a cry, a story, a song. Every conversation is an exchange of spirit, the words flowing bitter or sweet over the tongue. Every scar is a monument to a battle survived. Now when you're born into loss, you grow from it. But when you experience loss later in life, you grow toward it. A slow move to an embrace, an embrace that leaves you holding tight the beauty wrapped in the grotesque, an embrace that becomes a dance, a new dance, a dance of pink.†Kevin Kling – «Tickled Pink» »
Voici donc ce que ça donne:

À lire aussi:
Xavier Dolan aura son nom dans le dictionnaire Le Petit Larousse
Xavier Dolan – Les premières images du film Juste la fin du monde
Xavier Dolan se prépare pour le Met Gala avec Jessica Chastain
Julie Snyder, Mariana Mazza et Xavier Dolan pour la dernière de Tout le monde en parle
Crédit photo: Compte Instagram officiel de Xavier Dolan / Shayne Laverdière / Mark Seliger