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Naya Rivera pose nue enceinte
Naya Rivera pose nue enceinte.
Naya Rivera pose nue enceinte.

Tiens, c’est la mode de poser nue alors qu’on est enceinte, aujourd’hui! Après Kim Kardashian, c’est au tour de Naya Rivera de dévoiler ses nouvelles rondeurs pour un shooting tout spécial pour Yahoo Style.


« ...being in the public eye when you're pregnant is really, really hard, and people can be so mean on the Internet, it's insane. Pregnancy is such a beautiful time to me, and I feel like you should embrace your body in whatever stage it's in. So it's kind of hard being an actress, being a celebrity, and having people scrutinize how you physically look, and just saying the craziest things. »

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Le baby shower de Naya Rivera

Crédit photo: Yahoo Style

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