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Mark Zuckerberg annonce qu’il sera bientôt papa et parle de fausses couches
Mark Zuckerberg annonce qu'il sera bientôt papa et parle de fausses couches

Mark Zuckerberg annonce qu’il sera bientôt papa et parle de fausses couches.

La famille de Mark Zuckerberg, sa femme Priscilla Chan et le trop mignon Beast va bientôt s’agrandir puisque le power couple attend son tout premier enfant.

C’est via sa plateforme de choix que le créateur de Facebook a annoncé la nouvelle venue d’une petite fille dans la famille Zuckerberg. Fidèle à son habitude, l’homme d’affaire a également choisi de profiter de l’annonce pour ouvrir le dialogue sur un sujet qui lui tient à cœur: les trois fausses couches qu’a connues le couple.

« This will be a new chapter in our lives. We’ve already been so fortunate for the opportunity to touch people’s lives around the world – Cilla as a doctor and educator, and me through this community and philanthropy. Now we’ll focus on making the world a better place for our child and the next generation.

We want to share one experience to start. We’ve been trying to have a child for a couple of years and have had three miscarriages along the way.

You feel so hopeful when you learn you’re going to have a child. You start imagining who they’ll become and dreaming of hopes for their future. You start making plans, and then they’re gone. It’s a lonely experience. Most people don’t discuss miscarriages because you worry your problems will distance you or reflect upon you — as if you’re defective or did something to cause this. So you struggle on your own.

In today’s open and connected world, discussing these issues doesn’t distance us; it brings us together. It creates understanding and tolerance, and it gives us hope.

When we started talking to our friends, we realized how frequently this happened — that many people we knew had similar issues and that nearly all had healthy children after all.

We hope that sharing our experience will give more people the same hope we felt and will help more people feel comfortable sharing their stories as well.

Our good news is that our pregnancy is now far enough along that the risk of loss is very low and we are very hopeful.

Cilla and our child are both healthy, I’m extremely excited to meet her and our dog Beast has no idea what’s coming. In our ultrasound, she even gave me a thumbs up «like» with her hand, so I’m already convinced she takes after me.

We’re looking forward to welcoming her into the world and sharing more soon when she’s ready to come out and meet everyone! »

On leur souhaite tout le bonheur du monde… et on a hâte de voir la binette de cette poupoune!

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Crédit photo: Page Facebook officielle de Mark Zuckerberg

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