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Les rumeurs ne font que renforcer le mariage de Kaley Cuoco
Les rumeurs ne font que renforcer le mariage de Kaley Cuoco.

Kaley Cuoco en a marre des rumeurs sur son couple! Pour faire taire les ragots à son sujet, l’actrice a publié une petite mise au point sur sa page Instagram, confiant que son mari Ryan Sweeting et elle n’étaient pas du tout sur le point de se divorcer et que leur couple était bel et bien plus fort que jamais.

Pâques, c’est le moment idéal pour se dire ses quatre vérités:

« We are totally getting divorced, can’t you tell!!?! 4 weeks apart and finally reunited – I missed this guy more than anything !! #rumors #notpregnant #totallymarried.

Today is Easter/ It’s about love, gratitude, and rejoicing in all that we have-so that’s what im going to do- I have never been more proud of anyone on this planet- this guy is fighting back from a whirlwind of injuries and not to mention constant «conversation» regarding our marriage and basically any daily decision we decide to make. Im so proud of his passion and his inner strength to fight back, but most of all iam proud to be his wife-so all of you who take it upon yourselves to trash our marriage, daily workings of our relationship and everything in between, go ahead and keep doing it, cause it only makes us stronger- if you were smart, you would take a look at your own marriage, relationship, job etc, instead of focusing on someone else’s. You might be surprised at what you find. «You know my name, not my story» ❤️ »

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Crédit photo: Instagram / Fameflynet

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