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Kim Kardashian apparaît pour la première fois à la télévision depuis son accouchement
Kim Kardashian has finally come out of hiding! The new mom made a surprise appearance via video on the ‘Kris' show on August 2 and looked absolutely amazing! Keep reading to get all the deets on her beauty look below! Kim Kardashian, 32, finally made an appearance after giving birth to daughter North West on June 15! The new mom recorded a very special message for her mom, Kris Jenner, that aired on the August 2 episode of Kris. We think Kim had an amazing new mommy glow going and couldn't believe how amazing she looked just less than two months after giving birth.   Kim Kardashian's Makeup On ‘Kris' — Her Heartfelt Message For Mom Kris's co-host for the day, Sean Combs (aka Diddy) surprised Kris with a little message from Kim that he played for Kris at the end of the August 2 episode.  Both the audience and Kris were shocked to see Kim suddenly appear on the monitors! Kim looked fantastic as she told her mother how much she loves her show. “Hi Mom,” Kim started. “I just wanted to say congratulations on your new show. I sorry I couldn't be there in person but I'm just loving life at home a little too much right now.” It's so precious that Kim is that in love with baby North!  Kim continued, “I watch you every single day. You are so amazing, you really are born to do this. I just wanted to say I love you and have an amazing show.”

Kim Kardashian apparaît pour la première fois à la télévision depuis son accouchement! Kris Jenner a eu toute une surprise à l’émission Kris, aujourd’hui. Sa fille Kim Kardashian, qui se fait extrêmement discrète depuis la naissance de sa fille North West, a tenu à lui dire un petit mot via une vidéo.

« Salut maman, je voulais juste te féliciter pour ton nouveau show. Je suis désolée de ne pas pouvoir y être en personne. J’aime beaucoup trop ma vie à la maison en ce moment. Je t’écoute tous les jours. Tu es tellement exceptionnelle et tu es vraiment née pour être devant les projecteurs. Je t’aime! »

Kim était resplendissante! La maternité lui va à merveille!

Crédit photo: Twitter

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