James Franco publie la lettre d’un de ses étudiants.
Au cas ou vous ne le sauriez pas encore, James Franco enseigne actuellement le jeu dans la grosse pomme, au Studio 4 pour être précis… Ce qui ne l’empêche pas de publier de drôles de montages photos sur sa page Instagram (soupir). On hâte de voir jusqu’à quel niveau de weird il peut se rendre.
En attendant, nous pouvons lire une lettre de l’un de ses étudiants. Une bien chouette lettre qui ferait plaisir à n’importe quel prof, et qui semble prouver que l’adage « ceux qui ne savent pas faire enseignent » ne s’applique pas à monsieur Franco.
« K. Dear K,
When I found out about Studio 4, I had just moved back from New York City. I was pursuing a career in theater over there while in college and midway through the year it just got too expensive and I had to move back home to Los Angeles.
I was broken and afraid, desperate to continue my dream of being an actress and clueless of what the next step of my life was going to be. And then by the general luck of life, I heard about James opening a new school, just a month after I moved back. I came to Studio 4 expecting just another acting class, the same old shenanigans as the others I have attended. But what I found was astonishing.
A group of passionate people all striving towards the same dream, a close knit creative family that I’ve truly come to love and cherish.  I can’t thank you enough for your time. For the half of a year I have been your student, you have helped me break down so many walls that have helped me give birth to a revitalized self. You have taught me the art of Sanford Meisner and his great method, and you have taught me self love and how to just walk in that casting room and be present, warts and all!
I always found myself getting goosebumps when you’d talk about the craft of acting, and the journey we are all on. Studio 4 was honestly a miracle for me; it helped me put myself back on track when I’ve never felt more lost. Â
So, thankyou. Thank you for being an excellent mentor and such a wonderful inspiring person.  You have given me hope and taught me invaluable lessons that I will carry with me throughout life. I hope we can collaborate on a project very soon, and I hope I can come back into this class once I’m available again!
Best, M. »
Le rapport avec les chats? On n’en a aucune idée!
Bonne rentrée scolaire à tous!
À lire aussi:
James Franco se rapproche de Lana Del Rey au spectacle de Of Mice and Men
Crédit photo: Instagram officiel de James Franco