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Feux à Los Angeles: Céline Dion offre ses pensées
Crédit: Getty Images/Instagram @sofiacarson

D’immenses incendies ravagent Los Angeles, provoquant des relocalisations massives et réduisant de nombreuses maisons en ruines.

Plusieurs grandes stars ont été directement affectées, tandis que d’autres expriment leur tristesse et leur compassion face à la situation actuelle.


I’m standing here in what used to be our home, and the heartbreak is truly indescribable.💔🥺 When I first saw the news, I was in complete shock—I couldn’t process it. But now, standing here and seeing it with my own eyes, it feels like my heart has shattered into a million pieces. 😢💔 This house wasn’t just a place to live— It was where we dreamed, laughed, and created the most beautiful memories as a family. It was where Phoenix’s little hands made art that I’ll cherish forever, where love and life filled every corner. To see it reduced to ashes… it’s devastating beyond words.💔 What breaks my heart even more is knowing that this isn’t just my story. So many people have lost everything. It’s not just walls and roofs—it’s the memories that made those houses homes. It’s the photos, the keepsakes, the irreplaceable pieces of our lives.😭 And yet, in this pain, I know I’m incredibly lucky. My loved ones, my babies, and my pets are safe. 🥹 That’s the most important thing, and I’m holding onto that gratitude with everything I have. And beyond grateful to all the the fire fighters, first responders and volunteers risking their lives.🥺🙏 To everyone who has sent love, prayers, and kindness—you’ve reminded me that even in the ashes, there is still beauty in this world.🥹 Thank you from the deepest part of my heart. ❤ And to everyone going through this same pain, please know you’re not alone. We’re in this together. We will rebuild, we will heal, and we will rise stronger than before. Let this be a reminder to hold your loved ones close. Cherish the moments. Life can change in an instant, and it’s the love we share that truly matters. I’m sending all my love to everyone who is hurting right now.🥺🙏

♬ take a moment to breathe. – normal the kid

Céline Dion a partagé un message sur Instagram dans lequel elle exprime ses pensées et son soutien à tous ceux affectés par ces incendies dévastateurs.

«Mon cœur va à tous ceux de Los Angeles touchés par ces incendies dévastateurs. Dans des moments comme celui-ci, il est essentiel de se rassembler et d’aider. Les ressources ci-dessous offrent une aide précieuse à ceux qui en ont besoin dans cet immense effort de reconstruction. Je vous envoie tout mon amour et mes prières», lance-t-elle, accompagnée d’une liste de ressources essentielles pour venir en aide dans une situation comme celle-ci.

Nos pensées accompagnent également tous ceux et celles qui vivent la terreur et sont victimes des flammes.

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