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Kim Kardashian est sur Snapchat et défend sa photo nue sur son blogue

Kim Kardashian est sur Snapchat et défend sa photo nue sur son blogue.

ATTENTION! C’est la nouvelle qui va révolutionner votre journée… Ou pas.

Après ses deux plus récents épisodes nue sur Instagram (et tous les débats que ça a engendré sur Twitter…), Kim Kardashian trouve une fois de plus le moyen de détourner l’attention de ses fans en s’ouvrant ENFIN un compte Snapchat!

« I’m on snapchat now! Add me- KimKardashian 🍑 »

Voilà, si vous avez un peu de temps à perdre dans votre journée, allez suivre ses folles péripéties sur Snapchat!


Voici d’ailleurs le texte qu’elle a publié sur son site pour défendre la publication de sa photo nue, confiant qu’elle se sentait bien dans sa peau et incitant les gens à évoluer…. mheeeeee.

« Hey, guys. I wanted to write a post elaborating on my tweets last night. In all seriousness, I never understand why people get so bothered by what other people choose to do with their lives. I don't do drugs, I hardly drink, I've never committed a crime—and yet I'm a bad role model for being proud of my body?

It always seems to come back around to my sex tape. Yes, a sex tape that was made 13 years ago. 13 YEARS AGO. Literally that lonnng ago. And people still want to talk about it?!?! I lived through the embarrassment and fear, and decided to say who cares, do better, move on. I shouldn't have to constantly be on the defense, listing off my accomplishments just to prove that I am more than something that happened 13 years ago.

Let's move on, already. I have.

I am empowered by my body. I am empowered by my sexuality. I am empowered by feeling comfortable in my skin. I am empowered by showing the world my flaws and not being afraid of what anyone is going to say about me. And I hope that through this platform I have been given, I can encourage the same empowerment for girls and women all over the world.

I am empowered by my husband, who is so accepting and supportive and who has given me a newfound confidence in myself. He allows me to be me and loves me unconditionally.

I feel so lucky to have grown up surrounded by strong, driven, independent women. The life lessons I've learned from my sisters, my mother and my grandmother, I will pass along to my daughter. I want her to be proud of who she is. I want her to be comfortable in her body. I don't want her to grow up in a world where she is made to feel less-than for embracing everything it means to be a woman.

It's 2016. The body-shaming and slut-shaming—it's like, enough is enough. I will not live my life dictated by the issues you have with my sexuality. You be you and let me be me.

I am a mother. I am a wife, a sister, a daughter, an entrepreneur and I am allowed to be sexy.

#happyinternationalwomensday. »

À lire aussi:

Kim Kardashian est en manque d'attention

Crédit photo: Intagram

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