Iggy Azalea se fiance avec Nick Young et reçoit une belle bague de 500 000 $.
La semaine dernière, Iggy Azalea faisait les manchettes puisqu’elle a décidé d’annuler sa tournée mondiale The Great Escape au grand complet (lire plus bas pour la raison). Pour se consoler, elle a reçu le plus beau cadeau qui soit: une demande en mariage de son boyfriend Nick Young le jour de sa fête, tout comme un énorme caillou au doigt!
« Happiest Day #Isaidyes »

Le montant de la bague? Le joueur de basket des Lakers de Los Angeles a dépensé pas moins de 500 000$ pour la bague de son amoureuse, de 10,43 carats. Ouille le porte-feuille! Regardez la vidéo, il y a même une lumière dans la boîte… soooo fancy!
Genou à terre, Nick a sorti le grand jeu et Iggy a bien sûr dit OUIIII! Une belle façon de célébrer ses 18 mois passés ensemble!
Pssst! Iggy vient de dévoiler la raison pourquoi elle a annulé sa tournée:
« I've had a different creative change of heart. I want to start totally anew, and if I stayed on my tour, that would mean I wouldn't even be able to start working on that until after Christmas. On top of that, mentally, to be honest with you, I just feel I deserve a break. I've been going non-stop for the past two years, nearly every single day. I'm not in a bad place. I think sometimes when you say you need a mental break, people are like, “A mental break? Be sure you don't have a breakdown because you're sad.†No, not necessarily. It's very emotionally draining to be on all the time and going all the time, planning all the time. It's a lot, and it's tough. I need a break from everything to just enjoy what I worked so hard for, and I don't really feel like I've had a chance to do that. I need a break to figure out what I want my sound to progress to, and I need a break to figure out how I want my visuals to progress. It can kind of wear on you, too, when you've been doing the same material for a really long time. Even though a lot of people just discovered it, I am a musician and a creative person and I want to be able to perform new stuff and do new things. I feel like I'm at the end of an era now. To go on a tour in late September and to stay in that mindset of what I'd envisioned for that tour, I feel like that would stifle me. And then, on top of that, once I postponed [the tour the first time], I couldn't find two opening acts. I began the search, and to be honest, I never found someone who was available on those dates that I thought was a good fit for the tour. »

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Crédit photo: Instagram