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Les filles de Pretty Little Liars sont HOT dans GQ

C’est l’été dans 3-2-1…!!! Les filles de Pretty Little Liars sont définitivement HOT dans le magazine GQ. Girlpower au max, Troian Bellisario, Shay Mitchell, Ashley Benson et Lucy Hale sont en plein pool party et s’amusent comme de petites folles.

Plein feu sur l’amitié plus que parfaite de Buttahbenzo (Ashley et Shay), qui sont inséparables autant sur le plateau de tournage de PLL que dans la vraie vie!

Les filles de Pretty Little Liars sont PHOTOSHOPÉES dans GQ

Troian est venue à la rescousse de ses amies sur Instagram avec un lonnnng message; les filles étant accusées par leurs fans d’être trop Photoshopées pour leur photoshoot de GQ. Bahh… rien de bien nouveau! Troian sait très bien qu’ils ont utilisé Photoshop pour arriver à leurs fins, mais que c’était prévu et que c’est partout la même chose dans l’industrie de la mode: on privilégie la perfection d’abord et avant tout. Est-ce que ça rend la chose plus acceptable? C’est à chacun de se faire sa propre idée!

« So by now you have seen many a shot from #GQ and many people have said that we were photoshopped... OF COURSE WE WERE! That's a very specific type of photo shoot. And looking very blown out and perfected was obviously what they were looking for. Great. Cool. As long as we acknowledge how it was achieved so we know it's not real. Here's some behind the scenes of my body the way it is and was on the day. I'm not mad at how these pictures turned out, the girls and I had an absolute blast. More fun than we've had on a photoshoot in a while, and I think you can see that in our eyes and smiles. But it's the same everywhere. It's the same way on the posters of our show and even in women's magazines. This industry seems to invest more in perfection than in flaw. But flaw and individuality, to me, are what make a human being interesting, they make our stories worth telling. (Unfortunately the flaws don't usually sell products or magazines) I'm proud of my body and the way it looks because @themarkwildman kicks my butt in aerial. But my hips and thighs are a part of me (even though they magically weren't in some shots!) I get those things from my momma. And I'm happy To shake what my momma gave me. »


Crédit photo: GQ / Twitter

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