Justin Bieber persiste avec son masque à gaz et signe! Aperçu hier à Londres, Justin Bieber sortait du restaurant chinois Mr. Chow, faisant son max pour se cacher dans son cardiguan long à capuchon, arborant son fameux masque à gaz qui fait TANT jaser ces dernières semaines. Bieber semble bien mal dans sa peau ces temps-ci et souhaite revendiquer son droit à la liberté d’expression. Liberté de faire ce qu’il veut en dépit de toutes les rumeurs qui courent sur lui. Malgré toute la haine qu’il reçoit via les réseaux sociaux et détracteurs aux quatre coins de la planète. Justin s’est d’ailleurs exprimé sur Twitter à la suite des représailles contre lui et son masque à gaz:
Justin Bieber passe un sale quart d’heure depuis sa rupture avec Selena Gomez!
« Rumors rumors and more rumors. nothing more nothing less. might talk about them one day. Right now I'm just gonna be positive. Can't bring me down. I'm focused on the good things in life. I'm blessed and not forgetting it. I'm giving back every day for it. Can't phase me. Fake stories to sell papers I guess are part of the job. But I'm a good person. i know that. u cant tell me different. We know the truth. As long as my family, friends, and fans r with me u can say whatever. we are all equal in God's eyes & we have a responsibility to each other. so make up stories about fake fines and make no mention of the positive.
Or say when i came out of my show with my shirt off because after performing for 2 hours i might be sweaty i was going into a club (really?) or any girl i stand next to is my girl or that i don't care, or that i don't feel, or that a 19 year old going to a club in Europe is wild... i understand it is part of the job to be judged...but judge me on the facts, judge me on the music, and be careful of the judgment u pass. But know this...im only judged by one power, and i serve him. so yeah I will continue being me. i will continue to serve, to perform, to care, to love, to smile, to dance, to play, to sing... and u are welcome to join, because i carry no hate. We got to much love for that. Im about the music. Gonna enjoy the day and keep smiling. so should all of u. Much love. i see u #beliebers = i love u. »
Crédit photo: Fameflynet